Saturday, December 29, 2012


Jika suatu saat anda berkunjung ke Bali untuk urusan apapun, luangkan  waktu anda untuk mengunjungi pantai Kuta.  Pantai “elok” ini memiliki panjang sekitar 1600 m.. Kesadaran masyarakat Kuta akan kebersihan patut “diacungi jempol”,sepertinya itu yang menjadikan pantai ini tetap bertahan, terpelihara, “cantik” dan tetap menjadi salah satu primadona wisata di Bali. 

Wis-Man dan Wis-Dom semua berbaur disini menjelang sore. Mereka melakukan berbagai macam aktifitas - hampir sepanjang sudut pantai dipadati pengunjung – aktifitas sperti  bermain bola,surfing,  jogging , sun bathing, bernarsis-narsis ria (foto-foto)  - nah kalau bernarsis ria, wisatawan domestik paling “doyan” tuh , termasuk saya  haha -. 

Pukul  8 pagi – pedagang-pedagang yang mayoritas penduduk lokal akan mulai membuka lapak. Mostly yang punya lapak jualan soft drinks (coke,sprite etc) plus menyewakan papan selancar /boogie board, ada juga yang menawarkan jasa pembuatan “temporary tattoo”,jasa  massage”,penjual ” souvenirs”.

Jika anda berkunjung kesana siang hari, anda akan melihat wisatawan-wisatawan asing  pada berjemur (kalau cuaca lagi terik) mereka sangat suka tuh berjemur di terik matahari “nge-belang-in” kulit , ada juga yang lagi  surfing, ada juga yang hanya duduk-duduk sambil menikmati “beer”.

Saran : Jika anda suka/jago main surfing dan ingin main surfing di pantai Kuta datanglah di pagi hari sekitar jam 10 – 12an karena pada jam itu ombak lagi unyu-unyu-nya.  Sewa papan selancar tergantung pinter-pinternya anda bernego harga. Sewanya dihitung per –jam. Kalau lagi” low season “ biasanya sewa papan selancar akan lebih murah apalagi kalau sama turis domestik-  So pintar lah menawar!!. Untuk sewa boogie board biasanya hanya  Rp.20,000, - sepuasnya sampe gemporrrrrr!! Lho??

 Namun hal yang PALING menarik dari pantai Kuta adalah keindahan sunset nya :

PS : Foto-foto ini adalah benar benar asli tanpa rekayasa "potosop" .

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Forewords : Saya sangat suka makan tempe, bahkan gara-gara tempe saya rela melakukan "dosa" yaitu  'nyolong' tempe yang sudah digoreng oleh Ibu di lemari makan, padahal tempe yang hanya sedikit itu disimpan untuk makan malam kami...dosa banget kan gue :D..#lebay dikit. Well, don't think that this article has nothing to do with traveling..tentunya tubuh sehat sangat diperlukan jika ingin melancong atau jalan-jalan :), so gak ada salahnya blog ini saya isi dengan beberapa artikel tentang makanan sehat kan?...saya "mencopas" artikel tentang makanan sehat ini dari  , sekedar sharing informasi. So Check this out , semoga bermamfaat !!
Tempe, makanan ini bukan saja enak, tapi bervitamin dan memiliki kandungan yang menguntungkan. Protein nabatinya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan harian tubuh.  Harganya  juga sangat terjangkau, namun meski murah tempe punya manfaat yang luar biasa untuk kesehatan. Bahkan kini bukan hanya orang Indonesia yang mengakui kelezatan dan manfaatnya, dunia pun sudah mengakui manfaatnya.

Seperti dilansir laman World’s Healthiest Foods  dalam 113,40 gram tempe terkandung banyak nutrisi yang menguntungkan tubuh, antara lain, mangan (73 %), protein (41,2%), tembaga ( 30,5%), fosfor (28,6%), vitamin B2 (23,5%), magnesium (21,8%) kalori (12%). Dengan dikeluarkannya bagan nutrisi oleh World’s Healthiest Foods  maka dunia pun turut mengakui manfaat kesehatan dari makanan hasil fregmentasi kedelai itu.

Berikut ini manfaat tempe yang perlu Anda tahu :

Protein Setara Daging
Kandungan protein yang terkandung di dalam tempe memiliki kualitas yang setara dengan produk hewani. Seperti dilihat dalam tabel, kandungan protein tempe mencapai 41 persen. Berbeda dengan produk daging yang menambah kolesterol jahat, protein yang dikandung kedelai cenderung menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat. Karena itulah, tempe lebih banyak dipilih sebagai bahan makanan pengganti daging yang lebih sehat.

Sehat Untuk Jantung
Protein kedelai beberapa tahun ini menjadi primadona untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwa protein dari kedelai dapat menurunkan LDL atau kolesterol jahat sebanyak 35 – 40 persen.  LDL tersebut biasanya membentuk plak keras di pembuluh darah, sehingga bila terus membesar dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung atau stroke. Penelitian lain menunjukkan bahwa protein kedelai dapat menaikkan kadar HDL atau kolesterol baik. Tempe juga kaya akan serat sehingga dapat mengikat lemak dan kolesterol dalam makanan.

Menstabilkan Gula Darah di Tingkat Sehat
Manfaat lain dari tempe adalah bagi para penderita diabetes, terutama diabetes tipe 2. Protein dan serat dalam tempe mencegah kadar gula tinggi dan menjaga agar kadar gula darah tetap terkendali. Para penderita diabetes umumnya rentan aterosklerosis (radang pembuluh darah) dan penyakit jantung,sehingga harus menjaga kadar kolesterol yang rendah. Mengonsumsi tempe dapat membantu para penderita diabetes mendapat asupan protein dengan kadar kolesterol rendah.

Mencegah Kanker
Serat dalam tempe tak hanya berguna memperbaiki kerja usus, tetapi juga mengikat racun penyebab kanker dan membuangnya dari dalam tubuh. Racun yang telah diikat tersebut tidak dapat merusak sel-sel usus besar. Tempe yang kaya serat dapat mengurangi risiko kanker usus besar. Tak hanya menurunkan risiko kanker usus besar, tempe juga menurunkan risiko kanker payudara. Bagi pria, isoflavon yang terkandung secara alami dalam kedelai dapat menurunkan risiko kanker prostat pada pria.

Jangan ragu makan tempe. Walaupun murah, manfaat tempe bagi kesehatan tidak murahan. Agar tetap sehat, akan lebih bagus jika tempe dimasak dengan sedikit minyak atau tanpa minyak.


See you on the next post ! Ciaoo....

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Well, just thinking of reposting this story, which I created about a year ago, just wanted to give some edits and trying my best to put them in good English. I am not a good English writer though’…
 Mountain Climbing for some people, especially for people who called themselves “Nature Lovers” or “Adventure-er” ,”Mountaineering” or whatever it is, has been always a “fun” thing to do. It’s what people say a “challenge”…
Well of course, there are many types of climbing. There are Rock Climbing, Ice climbing, Canyoning, etc , which some of them need a special technique and well-preparation before doing it.
Especially for this climbing story of myself and three other friend, I would just call it a “mount climbing” or for myself  I called it a “reckless climbing” -sorry if this is an inappropriate word to express that we were actually not really in a well-prepared condition to climb, at that time 
We climbed on the 5th of April 2009, it was Sunday and the idea to do a climbing came to us just a few days before the day – the idea came to us, once we knew that there was “a friend of a friend” –how you call that?- who had climbed the mount before, and the good thing was he is a Balinese as well, and he knows well about the area -
I could have been saying “wow this is gonna’ be an impossible, if we are going without local people, we do not know the route and not to mention we are going to climb up the highest mountain in this Island 3.142 m above the sea level –
 Jim and Mat are from Sumatra, 1700 miles away from this Island, and me myself is from South Sulawesi, 500 miles away from this Island-
Long story short, it’s 2pm on the April 4th, my 2 litters “Norwand” back-pack already full and tight, with 5 bottles (plastic) of 1500 ml mineral water, a thick jacket, a full-of-pocket trouser, and of course some instant foods for dinner, a camera –a must bring thing to capture good views – , a scraft , a skull-cap, a mini-stove to cook dinner , climbing shoes -
 I had been told before that the temperature on the summit can be less than 10 degree, so my anticipation was to bring the thickest jacket I have.
There are two routes to reach the summit –actually there are 3, but the other one is not common -. First, via Besakih Temple  and second, via Pura Pasar Agung .
Here are a few explanations about the 3 routes.
Climbing routes
From Besakih (west). This is a demanding climb starting close to Besakih temple. The ascent will take about 6 to 7 hours and ends at the very highest point of the mountain. The final hour or so is exceptionally demanding often requiring ascent on all fours. A sensible start time is about 11PM, so that you arrive at the top before dawn and wait for the sunrise.
From Pura Pasar Agung (south). A three to four hour climb in which time you ascend about 2,000 metres. Not so stiff as the Besakih route. The route ends about 100 metres below the actual summit, but the views are still excellent in all directions, as well as down into the actual crater. A sensible start time would be about 2:30 AM, again with aim of reaching the peak just before dawn. I and friends took this route, and in fact we were about a hundred metres below the actual summit.
From Duku Bujangga Sakti (north). A seldom used route but one which is most appropriate for less experienced trekkers and the slightly less physically fit. The ascent starts at 300 metres and involves an overnight camp at 1,700 meters, before the final ascent in the pre-dawn hours the following day. This route also allows you to walk around the rim of the crater to the absolute summit of the mountain.
I made my own map, so you guys can -at least- having a slight view of what I am talking about.
After all has been packed, we then left Sanur “Abian Prasta” our starting point and heading towards North-East of Bali. We previously planned to climb via Besakih Temple but we were forbidden to climb without a guide and they suggested us to use guide at IDR 300,000, – what?no way!!!- we were on a very low-budget, I could not remember my money in pocket was less than Rp. 100,000,-  – turned back and left the place with huge disappointment.
But as I said, it is always an advantageous to go with a local, my friend Gilang found the plan B- going via Pura pasar Agung. He claim himself “NatureLover”,he is Balinese and we counted  much on him as our leader….
 Leaving Besakih, rode to the East to Tukad Panglan, Pura Pasar Agung (see map) and we got there about 6 or 7pm, I could not remember. There is a large parking lot there at the temple. It is closer to the top and took about only 4 hours to climb (normally) compare to Besakih which needs at least 7-8 hours climbing.
Long story short, we entered the dark forest at about 7.30pm after praying at the Temple.
– Praying at the temple, is a must- to-do before ascending the mount, for your info Mt.Agung is considered holy by Hindu people  where the kingdom of gods (Bali protectors) settled, so we must show respect – it is also forbidden to hike when it is full-moon – Also do not ever bring any food contains beef –
With each of us, using a head-lamp, we begun to step our feet on rocky, slippery and grassy path leading to the top of the mount where the excitement is waitingJ. We took an un-countable stops and rest along the way of course, not only because the path is taugh, but the bag was heavy!
On the height of about 1,000 m we begun to see an absolutely stunning view, but it was only over-seeing the town with millions of lamps.
Half way, it was 10.30pm, we need to cook dinner, and we need to find a flat-surface to settle a tent but what a bad luck!  There was no flat-surface, only rocks around! But because we were starved, cooking food was the top priority.
Our plan: it’s 11pm, to sleep and wake up at 3am to continue to the summit which now only take 4 hours ,and catch sunrise in the morning at 6 or 7 am. And………………………..
 -NOBODY WOKE-UP until 7am-
In fact, I already yelled 3 or more times, everybody slept like having drunk an alcoholic drink last night. So planning was kind of ruined but the main aim was to reach the summit and get down before 12pm.
In the end, we made it to the summit at 10am and returned at 11.30am. Here are some photos :

 Mount Agung The great crater ! 200 m wide and about 8 – 20 m deep ! last eruption 1963 killed approx 1500 people!

“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.”— Greg Child.
“Climbing is as close as we can come to flying.” — Margaret Young, aviator and alpinist.


Saturday, 17th Jun 2017 Setelah sekian lama 'blog' ini mati suri akhirnya 'mood'datang juga untuk melanjutkan cora...